Prime & Naturals UK provide acupuncture, cupping and herbal prescriptions to resolve illness and improve health conditions. There are about 300 different concentrated herb granules on their shelves, a combination of them gives amazing effects for certain health issues especially like asthma, eczema, coughing, menstrual irregularities…etc. The granules are dissolvable in water so it’s just like drinking instant coffee!
This clinic is operated by a Hong Kong practitioner, who worked in the Chinese medicine department in a large scale hospital for 2 decades, providing high standard diagnosis and services. To be qualified as a Chinese medicine practitioner in Hong Kong, candidates must go through at least a 3 year full time bachelor degree program and 2 years clinical practice, and a lot of professional examinations.
Prime & Naturals look forward to serving the community by introducing an alternative way to heal. To see people stay healthy is their passion!
To find out more and book an appointment, please see their website: